Monday, March 2, 2009

Charity Where to Begin?

If you listen to many Heads of Goverment the world is on the brink of collapse and we all may as well give up and lock our doors and hearts.

I don't believe Governments solve problems in fact and in many cases they are the problem.

But I do believe in people.

I believe in the strength and courage of the American people. I believe in the grit and determination of the British people. I believe in the doggedness and generosity of the Australian people. I believe in the goodness of ALL people in all lands, no matter where you are.

But how can we help when the problems are so enormous?

You do so one step at at time.

Charity doesnt always mean a giving of money, if anything money is the easy option. A giving of your time is of more value than money.

In most countries there are nursing homes for the aged. Perhaps it is time to consider spending an hour or two a week visiting the aged in their hospital beds? Maybe you could organize a Rosary prayer group or any other form of prayer which can include singing, have you thought of this?

When you give to charity either monetarily or with your time. It is not about making you feel good it IS about making the person you visit feel special and unique.

If you belong to a prayer group, bible study or mothers group perhaps you could contribute a certain amount of money and buy good quality books for schools that do not get enough funding.

Don't always wait for the 'government' to do something. If you see a school that is in disrepair where noone cares, DO something about it yourself. Get your friends involved and your Parish if possible.

Many people are good and generous at heart and want to help in a beneficial way. If this is YOU then explore your community and see where you can help and then do it.

Remember many of our greatest Saints began their work in their own communities.

We cannot help everyone but that should never be an excuse to help noone.

Written by Marie