Sunday, August 24, 2008

God the Magician

"Fear is useless, what you need is trust."(Mark 5:36).

Why does the Bible mention fear if God is Almighty? It is because God is indeed Almighty and we are not and that is the difference.

We sometimes think because we are Christians that troubles should not beset us, were the Saints free of troubles? Rita of Cascia will soon set you straight when she found herself married to a mean and violent husband who beat her almost on a daily basis. Should she have walked away from God because her life didn't turn out as she had hoped?

Is God a magician?

Do we expect God to wave a magic wand and make our lives as we think it should be?

What would Catherine Doherty say to us if she could. A woman who because of her deep love of Christ founded 'Friendship House,' only to have it closed through misunderstanding and calumny. When even her closest friends betrayed her. After this failure Catherine lay on the floor and banged her head on the floor boards as she fought to understand God's Will. Did Catherine throw up her arms and walk away because things didn't turn out how she would have liked?

Catherine Doherty moved on, she learnt that it is not what we do but why that is the most crucial and central to our spiritual life. Catherine founded another organization 'Madonna House.' Her cause for Beatification is now before Rome.

God is God. Do not make a single person your God.

People cannot heal our inner wounds and we all carry them. A husband or wife no matter how loving has not the capacity to heal your inner woundedness. Your friends are not God, they can listen, they can uplift you but they have not the power to heal you.

In order to be healed you must seek it.

Only the Divine Physician can heal a soul wound. To place a burden of this magnitude on a solitary soul is to ask too much. How can the broken, heal the broken hearted? We are all broken to a certain extent, we carry our own wounds, our scars from previous battles and skirmishes.

Why do we ask our friends to be God for us?

A woman from my former parish in her rush to get her children ready for school accidently ran over and killed her three year old child. She ran screaming onto a busy road as cars swerved to miss her, people ran out of their homes to help her and the poor child. The poor mother had accidently killed her own child. What mother could live with that guilt?

The mother in question suffered a nervous breakdown. A year later she returned to her Parish, there wasn't a dry eye in Church on that day. We wept for her and her family but we could not heal her.

The next time you think your suffering is greater than anyone else's. Think of that poor mother and then get on your knees and thank God you did not suffer such a loss.

If you think you are paying too higher a price then stand before a bloodied Crucifix or play a DVD of the Passion of Christ and tell God that your suffering is greater than His.

It is a good thing to remember, we were not put here on this earth in order to gain but to give and to give until it costs as did Christ.

Remember you were worth dying for.

Written by Marie