Sunday, March 9, 2008

Seasons of the Soul

When we watch Nature at work it is a marvelous thing to behold. We see in Spring how the flowers with great beauty and rapture unfold their fragile petals to the welcome rays of the sun. Suddenly the air is filled with their fragrant scent as we watch bee's busily flying from one to another.

Every now and again rain falls as flowers sway in the breeze as the life giving water drops down to their roots which then nourishes them. Just before the rain falls, ants scurry to and fro as they prepare for the flood which will soon arrive. What helps one may destroy another.

In summer the sun beats down on these fragile plants and their once blossoming petals now fry in the severity of the heat. We watch as our emerald fields turn to a golden yellow as the rain dries up and Nature becomes naked before us.

Our world is full of little wonders which we fail to see as we become blasé to the wondrous world we live in.

Our life also follow Seasons where Joy is followed by the bittersweet knowledge that this feeling of happiness wont last forever. Sorrow is lifted when we learn to let go with the painful realisation that we are not in control of our destinies or those whom we love. Exuberance fills our bodies as we enjoy the vitality of youth with no thought given to infirmity. Grief comes to us all as we learn the price of love and Wisdom is to know that All is Gift for the present moment. Nothing is meant to last forever, except..Love.

Love is worth everything. Love is the flow of life that binds us together in our fractured existence in this temporary place we call home.

In summer, the plants do not scream veangence at the sun as they wither under its penetrating rays. The green fields remain silent as their lush beauty fades to a burnt yellow and the ants continue to scurry here and there.

Nature understands that though it burns now, as it suffers the heat of the sun, soon will come the Spring where once again the miracle of life will bring to life that which appeared dead.

Love never dies for it is Eternal.

God is Love for only Love could Sacrifice His Beloved Son in our place.

Written by Marie