Monday, September 17, 2007

Being Our Best

For most of life, I think we fight God. We keep trying to show Him what we were made for. We keep giving Him better ideas. We keep working for something bigger & greater than anything He seems to have in mind. For many of us, by the time we are in mid-life, we feel we somehow have missed out on some of the great things we were born for. We fight with God over this.

God made me with special ideas in mind, but I wish I could have been in on the planning. My skin would have been more olive-colored & flawless, my hair more coarse, with some curl in it. My shoulders broader, my eyes wider-spaced. I would have completely removed the lazy part of me that I have to fight with all the time.

God did not make me to impress you, not to be on book covers, not to be an authority, not to be perfect or a genius, not to make a billion dollars!

God made me to be uncomplicated in my faith. To watch children & kites & sunsets & rainbows & enjoy them. To take your hand regardless of who you are or how you look. To listen to you. To accept you right where you are. To love unconditionally.

God made me to be real. To be honest. To be open. To never compare myself to you, but to strive to become my own best person. To have character & dignity.