Friday, September 14, 2007

For Love of God or Friends?

At times we can be our own worst enemies, especially if we take our focus away from God and place them squarely on other people. By doing this we have empowered another and have placed ourselves at a disadvantage, in that we have become reliant on others for our self worth. We have placed our faith in people and not God.

By placing our faith in people this will start an avalanche of insecurities and low self worth. People are fickle and what is loved one day can be loathed the next. We lose our sense of the Sacred when we place our need for popularity over and above God's Will for each of us.

To a certain extent we all have an inner need for self preservation. It is difficult to face the fact that we are vulnerable and needy. So we cover-up our vulnerability by portraying ourselves as tough and self sufficient and in need of no one.

There seems to exist in the world today two extremes. Many people are either too needy for validation from their fellow man, or some give the impression of having it 'all together'. Both of these extremes are wrong. Mainly because both of these measures nullify God and deny that man's happiness is totally dependent upon the Divine.

Every good action we take and every good deed we do has its source in the Divine, so the love we share was never ours to begin with but a Gift from the Triune Spirit. God is not mean with His Love, for He gives it generously and gratuitously, to each soul that seeks it. Man is the one who like a child greedily grabs it and wishes to share it with those they have deemed 'worthy' of it.

It is when people become greedy and start measuring their love, as if they were the source of that love that the soul then loses its focus on the Divine and becomes self centred. For the level of love we show to others is the extent in which we have opened our heart to the Divine. It is as if we were our own masterpiece without need of a Creator.

God is not choosy in who He loves. He embraces all and would have all men saved, irrespective of their social standing. It is man who imposes 'conditions' on love and it is also man who measures his love. This form of love then becomes 'elitist'. A love that has to be earned is not love but manipulation.

It is the realisation, that in and of ourselves we are nothing; it is God Himself who ennobles the soul by His meritorious act of Loving the soul, despite our nothingness.

When we love with a Godly love, we realise that we gain meaning to our own life, when we understand that we are not here to make ourselves happy but to be stepping stones on the path of another's happiness.

I have spread my dreams under your feet,
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams....