Friday, September 28, 2007

Dawn Eden And Some Thoughts

Dawn Eden of The Dawn Patrol, gave an absolutely beautiful and powerful interview on Life on the Rock on EWTN last night. In case you missed it you can see it, you can view it by going here and click on the "View" link under "Archived Video in Real Player.

For those of you who are not familiar with Dawn and her conversion story, in brief, Dawn is a Christian (Catholic) Apologetic for premarital chastity. She is very passionate about spreading the message that chastity is more “hope-filled” and “vibrant” than sex outside marriage. Through her book and her blog, she gives very practical advice and encouragement to those living a chaste life, those trying to live a chaste life and hope to those not living a chaste life.

Dawn brought up some very poignant points, many of which I have been meaning to address for a while now, so no time like the present to address them. Dawn brought up the point that while dating, from the very first date and while in a relationship, you should treat that person with the respect and love that you would treat your future spouse. If only the young and not so young would take this to heart. Its not to say that everyone you date or are in a relationship with is going to be your future spouse but if you think about your future spouse and how you would want to be treated and the fact that you are with someone else’s future spouse, maybe just maybe the “tone” of many a date would be so different.

Why is it that so many young persons in particular find it hard to grow up, don’t want to grow up and don’t want any of the responsibilities of adults? Adolescence used to be from what 13-17/18, now it has been extended to 30! Some may say its immaturity but I think it’s far more than that. Far too many children, now ‘legal adults’, think the world revolves around them and for them! I can speak from experience, I have dated a couple guys who fall into this category, have family and know acquaintances also that fit this profile. A word to parents, not only referring to your sons but your daughters as well, think about your potential son and daughter in law before turning your kids into spoilt brats! Guys who cant and wont do anything for themselves, expect to be waited on hand and foot and think that sowing their seeds in every skirt that passes by is a sign of their being a “man” then plan on marrying a virgin is anything but cute and adorable and far from appealing! The same goes for your daughters, where they are spoilt brats who get any and everything, cant and will not do anything (not only referring to household chores here) and put a price on their ‘love’, think about the man that has to marry her!

We live in a time where everything is about me, myself and I. Selfish, self-centered and lazy are some of the ‘nicer’ adjectives that describe what faces so many of us. Then we have those who are ‘momma’s boys’ and ‘daddy’s little girl’. Don’t get me wrong, I admire young persons who are close to their parents, it’s very admirable to say the least. What I’m referring to are those who have been spoiled and I mean so manipulated that they put these impossible and unattainable expectations on their boyfriends, girlfriends and future spouses. In essence they want to be with and marry mommy or daddy! I’m all for looking for or better said being attracted to someone with the good characteristics of your parents but what I’m talking about are people who you will never be able to please cause you are not their mom or dad. You don’t dress like mom, don’t walk, talk or cook like mom, you don’t spoil me like dad and bend and give into my every whim and fancy! Is this what we as young persons to look forward to?

I am not writing this as a young person without faults of my own but I’m writing it out of concern for me and my fellow young persons who have to deal with and often times get frustrated with it all. Nor did I write this to offend or bash parents, not all parents or young people fall into these categories but we have to face the fact that far too many do fit the profile.

Kudos to those of you who try and persevere with your children and help them to become, productive, respectful and responsible members of society. Continue to be a beacon of light, that ray of hope and an example for us to follow.