Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Ant Principle

I personally do NOT like ants. I don’t like the way they feel when they are on you, definitely don’t like how it feels when they bite you, don’t like seeing them inside around food or anything like that, just makes my blood crawl. ‘Shudders.’

My dad has this ant farm and it’s pretty interesting to look at cause well the ants are in a glass case away from moi. You see them burrowing and see when the queen lays her eggs and all that. Today I was outside with my dog and while sitting on the grass I noticed this trail of ants on the walkway. Trust me they were not close enough to me to make me high tail it from where I was.

For some reason I became enthralled watching these ants in their natural habitat. These little creatures opened my eyes and made me realize we humans can really learn a thing or two from them.

  • It is self-motivated and highly industrialized. The ant doesn't need another to make sure it gets its work done.

  • It is prudent- it collects its food in the proper seasons.

  • It is fond of its young, and takes care of them.

  • It has foresight for others and shows kindness. Not once did an ant walk over another, if an ant was in its path it stopped and let the other ant pass or went around the ant, never trampled over it.

  • It works quietly without show and until the work is done. In this, it teaches us perseverance.

  • It works in cooperation and organization with others. In union there is indeed strength.

  • It knows its job and does it. The ant has initiative, that wonderful virtue of resourcefulness that knows the how and when.

Isn’t it amazing how even the smallest creatures can teach us such great lessons? We humans can learn diligence, how to recognize opportunities, and individual initiative from the ant.

"As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me." (John 9:4).

Notice the word we. The foreseeing person is a foregoing person. Sometimes we have to forego, or sacrifice, a pleasure today so we can realize a goal tomorrow. This is true in both the spiritual and material realm.

Stephen Vincent Benet said: "The ant finds kingdoms in a foot of ground." Perhaps this says to us that, even in our small area of life, we can find our sphere of contentment! Each of us has our own job to do in our sphere, responsibilities which we can't hand over to others. Rest is a reward after we have done our job.

If the farmer rested because it was cold or windy, when he should be sowing and plowing, few of us would eat. God does help those who help themselves but even the starving must walk to the table! Of course if they are crippled, we help them. After major surgery, the doctor forces the patient to get up and walk. If the patient lay there until he or she felt like getting up, the person may never do so. Sometimes we must force ourselves to get going in life.

"Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest." Proverbs 6:6-9.

Think about it…