Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sleaze TV a Turn Off!

Are you all as tired of 'sleaze TV' as much as I am? Now there is a new TV show called 'Californication' going by the promo it is a 'sizzling hot TV programme with spice and shock value'. That translates to; it is full of profanities and vulgar nudity, where sex is the name of the game.

What I find most offensive is that the CEO's of the Television stations TRY and convince us that they are catering to our needs and wants. Oh please spare me the LIES! They are not catering to a taste but are trying to create a need for even more sex and violent TV shows. Enough is Enough!

The TV shows that rate the best are drama's such as Law & Order, comedies & documentaries. What concerns me though is that many parents allow their small children to stay up all hours and watch what they want. This is not good news for the family unit.

As for me I never watch these salacious and sleazy TV programs. Some of us can see beyond the 'hype' and know trash when we see it.

Do you turn off the sleaze as much as I do? What are your favourite TV programes?