Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Superwoman Theory

From almost every medium, including the TV, radio, magazines etc, women are being encouraged even at times to being bullied back into the work force. As governments try and make the work place 'children friendly'. Do we really want our children to be raised in our place of work? Or in child care facilities by strangers?

The feminist agenda would have all women believe that to stay at home means you have negated your calling in life by living as a doormat to your husband and family. These same feminists would have all women believe that 'they can have it all' but let us take a closer look at these feminists. Many who are either editors, reporters or authors employ mainly women to do THEIR housework for them. It would be beneath them to do their own cleaning and cooking. They also either send their children off to wealthy boarding schools or employ nannies to take care of their little one's. These same feminists then make it almost a crime to be stay at home Moms.

So as they sit and scribble in their editorials that women can become 'superwoman' who is looking after THEIR children? It is very easy for these feminists who may earn in the region of six figured sums to insist that ALL women must work outside the home so as to be considered productive to society. Who made these rules?

The big lie is that for many women who do go out to work, they are not earning six figured sums nor do they have secretaries or cleaners to help them live a comfortable lifestyle. The truth is, that many working moms are employed in factories or shopping centres, where the money is deplorable and the job itself is mundane and boring and that is without counting the stress factor.

Then unlike the famous feminists these hard working moms then go home to face more work, a house to clean, meals to cook, laundry to be done and the list goes on, many are lucky to be in bed by midnight. When you add the stress factor of dealing with irritable children, a tired husband the situation can become intolerable for all. If this is the reality then why do the feminists not report on that particular fact, or don't they care about the women they are supposedly liberating?

At times some moms do have to work and are able to incorporate a happy work environment and a happy and content home life, but these women are in the minority. Many working moms are tired. They are on their feet for up to 16-18 hours a day both at work and at home, is it any wonder that many working moms feel unappreciated? Which invariably leads to discontentment, but rather than leave their place of work before the rot sets in, oftentimes it is too late and it is the marriage that suffers when working moms through sheer frustration give up on their marriages.

It is the woman who is the nurturer in the family and it is the woman who is also the helpmate to her husband. What she cannot be is all things to all people it is physically and emotionally impossible and also exhaustive, is it any wonder that the divorce rate has sky rocketed over the generations? As the late Pope John Paul II said, "Motherhood is sometimes presented as something backward or as a limitation of a woman's freedom, thus distorting its true nature and dignity. Children are presented not as what they are-a great gift of God-but rather as something to be defended against."

In order for women to truly feel empowered they need to embrace who they are and not be force fed by those who dictate who they should be. In reality it is the mother who is the heart of the home, and the father is the head of the home and the children of the marital union are blessings from a loving God. This is how God ordained the family unit. Unfortunately for the feminists God didn't consult them when defining the Holy Sacrament of Marriage through the Catholic Church.