Apparitions and the Catholic Church
I thought I would let our readers know that this is not the first blog where I have expressed my views on various topics. I have written about Approved Apparitions for quite some time and I wholly believe in the vision of Fatima as it is.
Upon my confirmation into the Catholic Church I took Saint Faustina as my Patron Saint as I hold the Divine Mercy devotion very close to my own heart.
For those interested in Apparitions of our Lord and Lady please read the pieces I had written on Faith of the Fathers blog. I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I did in writing them. Please CLICK HERE.
I would also like to recommend Ginny's blog which is aligned with Faith of the Fathers blog. Ginny has done an exceptional job of representing our faith to our younger readers. I know Ginny would never promote herself, her humility would never allow it. So I will do so because her blog IS very good indeed. Please feel free to peruse her site which is obedient with the Teachings of the Catholic Church. I am sure your children or grandchildren will find much joy in reading her beautifully presented childrens blog. Please CLICK HERE.
Peace and blessings to all our readers.