Thursday, December 27, 2007

Jesus' Mother

Would you want to have been Jesus’ mother…
Knowing that your child was to die for the sins of others?

Watching Him as He lay in that manger so warm and still…
That from the beginning this whole plan was God’s will.

You watch Him play on that earthen floor…
Realizing that one day He would walk out your door.

Even as He grew and learned Joseph’s business so well…
You knew that to a piece of wood he would some day be nailed.

Now you hear Him say that His Father’s business must begin…
Your heart breaks in two because this signals the end.

Thirty plus years have come and gone…
What a terrible burden a mother carries alone.

There hangs your Son on a rugged old cross…
Giving His life to save all who are lost.

You remember that old inn, where they said there was no room…
Now your son lies in a cold damp tomb.

A truer love you will not find in any other…
Than the love that Jesus knew from His precious mother.