Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Blog Bouquets-Tabitha & Autumnrose

This weeks blog bouquets go to Tabitha & Autumnrose, for the exceptional work they do on their blogs.

In this cyber super highway we can become overloaded with too much information. On Tabitha's blog one feels instantly a sense of peace and tranquility as the problems of the world slip away. We are left to ponder the words of Scripture and quotes by the Saints which Tabitha thoughtfully provides her readers.

This gentle lady also allows us a glimpse into her own spiritual journey and the challenges she has faced and overcome. Tabitha's blog offers the weary a place to rest, a place to simply drink in God's Word and feel blessed. I do encourage you all to visit Tabitha's blog you will gain a sense of being spiritually, renewed.


At Autumnrose blog we see a woman on a quest to try and live her faith with honesty and integrity in a world which lacks both. It is not easy to maintain our faith in a secular world but through Autumnrose we see a woman who tries to do exactly that.

It is also through adversity that we see God working in the life of this gentle woman who has overcome some major health problems. We are able to glimpse the strength which illuminates this woman's heart. A heart that is full of love for God and her Faith which is The Catholic Church. Please do visit her blog where Autumnrose shares her beloved faith.

God bless you both and may our Lord continue to Breathe His Spirit into your hearts as you share your faith experiences with us all.
