Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Christ In The Ruins

When our world seems to be full of woe and great catastrophe's abound we can wonder, where is God in all this? Some will say that it is God's punishment on a people that have strayed from the path of righteousness. Others will opine that it is the end of the world and go on long lamentations on everyone else's sins but not there own.

None can speak for God we may never know the reasons behind many catastrophes, but neither can we place everything at the door of a fickle Mother Nature who places no one above her tempestuous reach.

When we build hotels, shops and homes on the shores of our native land should we be shocked that an earthquake may turn the water into a tsunami which then destroys all in its path? Is it the fault of God when many companies build high-rises and other monumental buildings on land that is known for its many earthquakes, then when the ground shakes down fall the buildings as many are crushed beneath them? Do we blame God or Mother Nature when we are warned that a catastrophic hurricane is heading in our direction yet the levies that were built to protect the land from flooding can only hold a category three, whereas the predicted storm is a category five, is that God's fault?

Is this not the thinking of little children to point the finger at everyone else but never look beyond to our inability to take Mother Nature seriously.

In our history have there not always been catastrophes where whole empires were overthrown as if overnight. Where lands were flooded beyond recovery and volcanoes killed in an instant all that were trapped in its path. But unlike ages past, these days we have access to multi media so when one land is hit with a catastrophe the world learns of this with a flick of a TV switch. Catastrophes are not new, but we are always stunned by them when they happen, how can they not happen when we build our homes both temporal and spiritual on shifting sands?

Perhaps we need to look at natural catastrophes in a different eye in that maybe we are being challenged to love more than we do. To give not from our bounty but from our inner core.

When catastrophes happen do we count out our pennies to help the victims recover while we keep our dollars so as not to be deprived of our own luxuries that we have grown accustomed too? Do we really give till it pains us? Till we and our families feel the pinch? Or do we spare what we don’t want, is that truly compassionate giving?

Could this be a call from God to return to Him in humble obedience? To love God not for what He can give us but to love God for Himself alone? Or are there too many Esau’s in the world who are prepared to sell out their Salvation so they may enjoy the superficialities of life, rather than the treasure which God holds in store for His beloved children.

When catastrophes occur, we need not wonder where is Christ, for He is in the ruins with his afflicted children. The challenge is, where are you when the weak and the weary face us not with their poverty.....but with our own?