Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Blog Bouquets To Suzy & Tracy

This weeks blog bouquets go to Suzy's blog 'Sailing By Starlight' and Tracy's 'Simple Life.'

I love the way Suzy incorporates inspirational pieces which uplifts and inspires the reader to become a better person. I also love the fact that Suzy includes Holy Scripture to remind us that we are Stewards here on earth and to make sure we place God at the forefront of our lives.

Reading Suzy's blog is like a gentle breeze which floats upon our spirit, creating a sense of peace and tranquility while also challenging us to live our faith with courage. Please DO read her blog, you wont leave unmoved.


Tracy allows us a glimpse into her private world of Faith, family and friends. This is a woman truly inlove with her faith and it shows. Her blog is a mixture of everyday events that has touched her life and inspires us all that we too can go beyond our limits.

I also love the fact that Tracy brings forward issues integral to our faith, which challenges us to go beyond our safety zone. One senses that this is a gentle woman who quietly encourages us all to live our faith. Please DO visit her blog there is such an element of JOY which Tracy expresses so beautifully.

God bless you ladies and THANKYOU for the work you do on your blogs.
